RNI runs as an automated service with Otto playing the tunes from 11pm on Sunday to 7pm on Wednesday.
DJ presented shows run from Wednesday 7pm until 11pm Sunday.
Shows are live and interactive on Sundays 2-11pm and also on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings.
Pre-recorded shows are broadcast in English, Dutch and German.
All live shows are in English.
RNI was once an offshore radio station broadcasting to Europe from the ship Mebo II in the North Sea between 1970 and 1974.

Garry Stevens created his version of RNI in July 2008. It came about because he to decided to change the name of the jukebox internet radio station he was running to RNI to make use of the RNI jingle package that he had (which he later obtained the owners exclusive permission to use).  The listenership increased 10 fold almost overnight! Not long after, Duncan James suggested doing some live shows on Sunday evenings, Duncan, Nigel James and Mike Andrews did regular live shows every Sunday from 6-12pm.  Soon after some pre-recorded English shows were introduced. The popularity increased and German and Dutch DJs started submitting programmes to RNI, so truly recreating the European sound of the 1970s RNI.


Garry's original RNI site can be found at rni.vze.com and contains a wealth of information.

Here at RNI, we've been broadcasting on the internet for many years. We are a "Not-For-Profit" internet radio station. We can also be heard on FM and AM, and sometimes on SW. These are all unofficial frequencies, all over the UK, USA and Europe. Check your radio, you may well hear us where you are. We are a so called "pirate radio station", but we prefer to call ourselves a free radio station. It's where radio began in the UK, and indeed some places around the world.
So keep the dream alive, and give it a listen.

To contact RNI visit rni.vze.com for details.

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